About me

I am a proactive senior investment professional (20 years’ experience and counting…) with proven knowledge in fundamental analysis, macroeconomics and technical analysis. As a Leading Strategic Advisor of Prestige Financial, Hungary, I utilize currency, fixed income and equity market data, research and other information on the local, regional and the international capital markets to analyze the trends and to develop investment strategies.

My aim is to provide insights, unbiased view and the achievable best options strategic equity, commodity and forex market positioning. I have been covering several asset classes, both in trading and in analytical fields (FX, equity, bond, structured products).

Another huge passion of mine is financial literacy. Most of you did not receive any financial education in primary or secondary school and had to learn everything you currently know about finances on your own (money, energy and nerves).

I speak English, German, Czech, and Russian. I have always been very pleased to accept requests when I had to talk about what really moves markets and exchange rates. Because- “Always be fearful, never panic!” — André Kostolany

You can reach me via Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/m%C3%B3nika-kiss-39b22248/

or write me an e-mail: kissmonika31@gmail.com